DBS-92-520 Issued April 2000 3
Chapter 2. Limitations and Specifications
• Release 1.0 of Panasonic Telephony Services supports only Panasonic
DBS digital telephones.
• For information needed for development of DBS Telephony Services
applications, see the DBS Telephony Services Programming Guide
(Section 470), available through your DBS regional salesperson.
DBS/Telephony Services Item Capacity
Maximum DBS extension ports monitored 50 minimum
Maximum individual monitors per extension
Maximum monitors per client on network 8
Maximum Outstanding CSTA requests
(Applications must wait for either a positive
or negative response from Panadrvr prior to
issuing further requests.)
Maximum wait between client applications
requests and driver response
45 seconds
Maximum allowable dialed digits in a
MakeCall Request
Maximum open CSTA sessions 100