Chapter 5. Maintenance and Troubleshooting Section 520 - TSAPI
38 Issued April 2000 DBS-92-520
b: Display Driver Queues
This screens displays Panadrvr’s resource usage with the Novell Tserver. This
is a real-time screen. This screen is for field support use only.
c: Port Monitor Info
This screen displays the DBS ports (0 based) with active or reserved monitors
The format is Port/Extension/ActiveMonitors/ReservedMonitors.
Add 1 to the port number shown on this screen to determine the actual
port on the DBS.
MCC/Panasonic Telephony Services Driver for the DBS
Time on line 000 days 00 hours 12 minutes 37 seconds
MsgBufs: Queued to Driver 0000 Queued to Tserver 0000
MsgBufs: Allocd by Driver 0000, Allocd by Tserver 0000
MemBytes: Queued to Driver 00000000 Queued to Tserver 00000000
MemBytes: Allocd by Driver 00000000, Allocd by Tserver 00000000
press <ESCape> to return to the Main Menu...
MCC/Panasonic Telephony Services Driver for the DBS
Time on line 000 days 00 hours 13 minutes 31 seconds
Number of Ports with Active or Reserved Monitors: 0
Prt Ext Ac Rd Prt Ext Ac Rd Prt Ext Ac Rv Prt Ext Ac Rd Prt Ext Ac Rd
000 100 02 01 001 101 02 00 002 102 02 00 003 103 02 00 004 104 02 00
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