Chapter 5. Maintenance and Troubleshooting Section 520 - TSAPI
44 Issued April 2000 DBS-92-520
The call id assigned by Panadrvr to this call block
The type of port associated with this connection. ‘Int’ indicates internal,
‘Trk’ indicates external while ‘---’ indicates the slot is empty.
The 0 (zero) based DBS port value involved in this connection.
Add 1 to the port number shown on this screen to determine the actual
port on the DBS.
The CSTA state of this connection as assigned by Panadrvr.
m: N/A
Menu not available.
n: N/A
Menu not available.
o: Open (Close) Log File (N/A)
This selection opens (closes) a trace message log file in the System directory
of the SYS volume on the Novell server. This file maintains a copy of all trace
messages generated on the system console by Panadrvr as selected by the
trace level. This selection is only available on the Trace Enabled (debug)
version of Panadrvr.
p: Display Transfer Tables
This selection is intended for Panasonic Technical Support use only.