101-1620-005 GL-7
voice mail domain
A group of Octel Unified Messenger voice servers that share a common set of properties. All
subscribers who are provided with telephone answering by these voice servers are said to “belong”
to the same voice mail domain.
voice mail enabling
When a new user profile is created in Microsoft Exchange, it does not include any voice mail
information. An administrator can “voice-enable” the mailbox, using the Voice Mail User
Administration extension added by Octel Unified Messenger to the standard Microsoft Exchange
Server Administrator application.
Voice Mail System Configuration
An administration tool used to configure the attributes of a voice mail domain or group of voice
voice player
A component of the Octel Unified Messenger Voice Form used for playing back and recording
voice messages.
voice server
An executable program that runs as a Windows NT Service.
A file extension used for Windows multimedia format audio data.