Rino 520HCx and 530HCx Owner’s Manual i
This manual instruction for using the Garmin
520HCx or the Rino
530HCx (Radio Integrated with
Navigation for the Outdoors).
NOTE: The significant differences between the
Rino 520HCx and Rino 530HCx features are
noted throughout the quick reference guide and
the owner’s manual. The Rino 530HCx contains
all of the features of the Rino 520HCx and a
seven channel NOAA weather receiver weather
alert, an electronic compass, and barometric
pressure altimeter.
Tip and Shortcuts
To quickly return to the Main Menu from any page,
press the Quit/Page key twice.
To extend battery life, turn off the GPS when not
using the Rino for navigation. Also, decrease the
level of the display’s backlight, by quickly pressing
and releasing the Power key.
Contact Garmin
Contact Garmin if you have any questions while using your
unit. Contact Garmin Product Support by phone: (913)
397-8200 or (800) 800-1020, Monday–Friday, 8 AM–5 PM
Central Time; or go to www.garmin.com/support/ and click
Product Support
Product Registration
Help us better support you by completing our online
registration today! Have the serial number of your Rino
handy and connect to our Web site: www.garmin.com.
Look for the Product Registration link on our Home page
through My Garmin.
Use this area to record the serial number (8-digit number
located in the battery compartment) in case your Rino
is lost, stolen, or needs service. Be sure to keep your
original sales receipt in a safe place or attach a photocopy
inside the manual.
Serial Number: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___