BT 2011 Telephone User Manual

Maintenance 35
Making and receiving calls 10
Memory available 15, 21
On/Off 9
Paging 11
Pause 34
PIN (Personal Identification
23, 25
Range 37
Redial 10
delete a redial number 11
Redial memory 15
copy a redial number 15
Registering with more than one
base station
1010, 1015, 2010,
2-Line and ISDN 31
Returning your handset 35
Secrecy 10
Setting up 4
Service 35
Short cuts 16
adding 18
checking 18
create a new short cut 17
delete 20
edit 20
function table 18
pre-set short cuts 16
saving 18
store 17
using 19
view 20
Switchboards 33, 38
System code 25
Technical information 37
Transferring calls 12
Volume 21, 22
Warnings 4, 37
Warranty 35