Chapter 10: Voicemail System
Introduction to voicemail
Callers can leave messages for you similar to an answering machine, if a voicemail system is
connected to your telephone system. You can call to retrieve these voice messages. Further
more you can receive conventional text messages from a server.
The light at the right upper corner of your telephone indicates that you have voicemail
messages waiting.
Diverting calls to voicemail
Use the procedure Diverting calls and enter the call number of your voicemail system as
To withdraw the diversion, select the appropriate status information and press the OK button.
Related topics:
Diverting calls on page 23
Managing voice messages *
The light at the right upper corner of your telephone indicates that you have voicemail
messages waiting.
1. Press the Message button.
2. Select to the desired entry.
3. Press the OK button.
Your telephone switches to handsfree and dials the call number of the voicemail
system. Then you are guided through the operations of the voicemail system.
4. To listen the voice message, follow the advice of your voicemail system.
5. To delete the voice message, press the Clear softkey.
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