AT&T partner plus communications system Telephone User Manual

Line Assignments and Ringing.
The lines checked are on your extension.
Unless otherwise indicated on the chart, you can use the line to make and
answer calls, your phone will start ringing immediately when a call comes in on
the line, and to get an outside dial tone just press an idle line button.
You can use line only to...
Ringing: the line will...
To call
Place Answer
See Line
Start Ringing Not
out first
after 20 sec delay
You cannot receive regular inside or outside calls, but you can join calls,
and calls on the line can be transferred to you.
The line appears on your phone, line button lights show line activity, and
calls on the line can be transferred to you; but you cannot access the line
to place or answer regular calls.
Transfer Return Rings.
If a call you transfer is not answered within
it will ring back at a) your phone or b) the Transfer Return Extension.
Outside Conference Restriction.
Conferencing outside parties is not
permitted on this system.
No Abbreviated Ringing.
When you are on a line when another call comes in,
your phone will ring repeatedly until the call is picked up or the caller hangs up.
(If box is not checked, your phone will ring once, and the light next to the line
button will flash repeatedly.)
Automatic Privacy.
Others on the same line cannot join your calls. If you want
the ability to let others join in when you want them to, program Privacy on a
programmable button. (See p. 4, Quick Reference card.)
Call Pickup Group.
You are in this group. An outside call ringing at your phone
can be answered by any other extension. (See p. 6, Quick Reference card.)
Calling/Paging Group.
You are in this group. Anyone on the system can ring or
page all extensions in your group simultaneously. If you pick up first, you will be
connected to the call. (See p. 6, Quick Reference card.)
PARTNER™ Plus Release 2
Communications System
Outgoing Call Restrictions. You cannot make these kinds of calls:
Long-distance toll calls (extension is programmed for “Local Only”)
Outside calls (extension is programmed for “Inside Only”)
However you can call these numbers if you have an outside line:
Allowed Phone Numbers
separate list
Disallowed Phone Numbers
Following are numbers you cannot call:
separate list
Emergency Phone Numbers. You can dial these numbers at any
time, regardless of any dialing restrictions:
Night Service. Your extension is in the Night Service Group.
After hours all lines will ring immediately when calls come in. You can
only dial Emergency numbers or Marked System Speed Dial numbers.
After hours all lines will ring immediately, and you can dial normally.
Hotlines. The following hotlines are on our system. When someone picks up
the handset of a hotline phone, the extension shown will ring automatically.
Rings Ext.
Doorphones. The following doorphones are connected to our system. When
someone presses the button at a doorphone, the extensions shown will ring
automatically, with unique DING-DONG ringing.
Rings Exts. (up to 5)
Auto Attendants. A device is at these extensions to automatically answer and
route calls. If you have an MLS-12D or MLS-34D phone and the auto attendant
transfers a call to you, the extension number will appear on the display.
Transfer Return Ext.