The Conference Attendant Server will be running at conf01.yourcompany.com:5092
The range of the numeric conference names must be specified
Enter the minimum value for numeric conference names. [8000]:
Enter the minimum value for numeric conference names. Default is 8000.
Enter the maximum value for numeric conference names. Note that
it must have the same number of digits as the minimum value. :
Enter the maximum value for numeric conference names.
For conference server, the prefix of ad hoc conference can be specified
Enter the prefix for ad hoc conference. [2join]:
Enter the prefix for ad hoc conferences.
Enter the prefix for group call conferences. [777]:
Value entered by user is: 777
Enter the prefix for group calls.
Enter the IP address of the primary dialout proxy:
Value entered by user is:
Enter the IP address of the primary NBX system used for DTMF dialout
during conferences.
Enter the IP address of the secondary dialout proxy:
Assuming default value as
Enter the IP address of the secondary NBX system used for DTMF dialout
during conferences.
Enter the digitmap for DTMF dialout.[[1-7]XX|9XXXXXXXXXX|91XXXXXXXXX|9011.XT]:
Assuming default value as [1-7]XX|9XXXXXXXXXX|91XXXXXXXXX|9011.XT
Enter the digit map used to define the dial plan for DTMF dialout.
Several lines of text appear before the next prompt.
-- Creating cinema_db.conf
-- Changing permissions of all the files in /opt/3com/components/presconf.
to 755.
-- Trying to load fbsql.so...
-- fbsql is loaded...
-- Opening the database sql://root:NULL@localhost/mysql