near the bottom of the screen. Contact the factory customer service
department if the module fails the self test. Do not attempt to use this
product if it fails the self test.
To use the self test feature, press the MENU key, then press the key next
to the "More" label. Finally, press the key next to the “GPS Module Self
Test” label. The screen shown at right appears.
To exit from this screen, press the key next to the "Exit" label.
This feature places position and
navigation data on all screens,
including the plotter. The unit
“navigates” a closed course. It
shows bearing and distance to
go, course over ground, and
other information. A recurring
message appears, alerting you
that the simulator mode is en-
abled. Don’t navigate when the simulator is on!
To turn the simulator on, press the MENU key, then press the key next to
the "More" label. Finally, press the key next to the “GPS Simulator OFF
ON” label. The simulator mode starts immediately. To turn the simulator
off, either press and hold the OFF key or repeat the above steps.