
a black box surrounding them, then the distance markers is showing the
distance PAST the waypoint. In other words, if the numbers are sur-
rounded by a black box, then you have passed the waypoint and need to
turn around.
The numbers immediately below the CDI are the CDI range in miles. This
gives you an idea of how far off course you are. For example, if the arrow
is halfway between the course line and the outside left line and the CDI
range is 0.5 miles, then your cross track error is to the left 0.25 miles. The
CDI range is the same as the CDI alarm setting. See the section on GPS
alarms to change the CDI range.
Using the digital displays at the bottom of the screen with the graphical
display at the top let you accurately steer the boat to a waypoint.
The digital displays on the bottom half of the Position, Steering, and
Satellite screens, plus the displays on the Plotter screen can be changed
as desired. To show how this is done, we’ll use the Position screen as an
To customize the Position Screen, first make certain it is showing by
pressing the GPS key. Next, press the MENU key. The first GPS menu
screen appears. Press the key
next to the “CHANGE POSI-
TION DISPLAY" label. The unit
returns to the Position Screen
with a black box around the
Speed Over Ground (SOG)
label . The letters "SOG" also
flash. The black box and flash-
ing letters identifies the Bear-
ing box as “ready for change.”
To change the Bearing display,
press the up or down arrow
keys to select the data that you
want to show inside the box.