
the last used position, plotter, or steering screen.
Enter New Waypoint
To save a location other than your present position, first press the WAYPT
key, then press the key next to the "WPT Save" label. Using the up and
down arrow keys, move the black box down to the latitude/longitude
position. Now press the down
arrow key to the latitude posi-
tion. Press the key next to the
"Change Latitude" label. The
screen shown below appears.
Now enter the location you wish
to save using the numbered
keys. Use the left arrow key as
a backspace if you make a
mistake. In other words, press-
ing the left arrow key moves
the black box over the last num-
ber entered. Notice that the
position entered is in degrees, minutes, and thousandths of a minute. (Not
seconds!) Press the key next to the "Latitude N S" label to change the “N”
to a “S”, if your latitude is south. After you’ve entered the latitude, press
the key next to the “Accept Lat” label. The waypoint save menu reappears.
Next, using the arrow keys, move the black box to the longitude position
and press the key next to the “Change Lon” label. Now enter the longitude.
Make certain to add a zero to the longitude if it’s less than 100 degrees.
For example, if the longitude is 85 degrees, then enter “085”. Press the key
next to the "Longitude W E" label to change it from west to east, if
necessary. Press the key next to the “Accept Lon” label when you’ve
finished. The save waypoint menu appears with the position you entered
in the waypoint position box at the top of the screen. If this position is
correct, press the key next to
the “Save WPT” label.
Name a Waypoint
To assign a name to a way-
point, first press the key next to
the “Increase WPT” or “De-
crease WPT” label to move
through the list of waypoints.
When the desired waypoint
appears in the window, press
the down arrow key until the
black box moves to the “NAME:”
position. Now press the key next to the “Change Name” label. The screen