pressing the key next to the "Increase" or "Decrease" RTE# labels. When
the desired number appears, you can create or edit it.
Name a Route
To assign a name to a route, press the key next to the “Increase RTE#”
or “Decrease RTE#” label to move through the list of routes. When the
desired route number appears in the window at the top of the screen, press
the down arrow key until the black box moves to the “Name” position. Now
press the key next to the “Change” label. The screen shown below
appears next.
Use the keys on both sides of
the screen to enter the way-
point name. For example, to
name a route “REEF 1”, press
the WAYPT key repeatedly until
the letter “R” appears in the
window. Next, press the right
arrow key to move the black
box to the next letter position.
Now press the RANGE key.
The letter “E” appears on the
screen. Use the number keys
to enter numbers. Repeat this process until the entire name has been
written on the screen. Now press the key next to the “Accept Name” label.
The LMS-350A returns to the route menu. You can now enter the
waypoints used in the route.
Waypoint Selection
If you’ve named a route, the black box should be on the “0” at the top of
the waypoint list. If not, move the black box to the “0” using the up or down
arrow keys. Now press the numbered key of the waypoint you wish to go
to first in the route. For ex-
ample, if you want waypoint
number 8 to be first, press the
8 key. If you’ve named the way-
point, it shows in the blank
space to the right of the way-
point number. Next, press the
key next to the “Accept” label.
The LMS-350A reverts to the
menu shown at right.
The cursor should now be on