The digital depth display is the only sonar that is affected by the keel
offset feature! The chart will always show the distance from the face of
the transducer.
To adjust the keel offset, first press the MENU key then press the key next
to the "More" label until the sixth menu page appears. Now press the key
next to the "Adjust Keel Offset" label. The screen shown below appears.
The digital depth displays in the
upper left corner of the screen.
The keel offset in use shows in
the upper right corner. To set it,
simply enter the desired depth
using the numbered keys. Re-
member to add tenths. For ex-
ample, to set the keel offset to
three feet, first press the 3, then
press the 0 key. Finally, press
the ENT key.
To enter a negative keel offset, use the same steps as above, but press
the key next to the "Keel - +" label.
To turn the keel offset feature off, enter "0.0" or press the CLR key.
When you have the keel offset at the desired setting, press the key next
to the "Exit" label. The unit returns to the sonar screen, using the keel
offset you entered.
The speed display on the sonar screens comes from the optional speed
sensor - not the GPS receiver. To calibrate this sensor to your boat, first
press the MENU key six times while a sonar screen is showing. Now press
the key next to the "Calibrate Speed" label. The screen shown at the top
of the next page appears.