The flashing cross is your
present position. The solid line
is your track, or path you have
just traveled. The large square
is a compass rose marked with
North, South, East, and West.
The square’s height and width
shows at the bottom of the
screen. This is the distance
from one side to the other and
from the top to the bottom.
Your present position is shown
at the top of the screen.
If your present position starts to move outside the square, the LMS-350A
clears the display, then re-draws your present position closer to the center
of the screen. Your present position will always be displayed on the plotter.
To clear the plotter screen, see the Plotter Menus section.
On the left side of the screen below the Present Position box are the Speed
Over Ground (SOG), Distance To Go (DTG), and Bearing (BRG) digital
displays. All of these displays are used only when a waypoint is recalled,
except COG and Positioin which are always active. These displays also
can be customized. See the Plotter Menus section for more detail.
The plotter cursor can help you determine the latitude/longitude of a
waypoint or event marker. To use it, press the up or down arrow key while
the plotter is displayed. A screen similar to the one below appears. Two
new lines appear on the screen. These are the plotter cursor lines. The
latitude/longitude position of the
plotter cursor - not your present
position shows at the top of the
screen along with the distance
and bearing from your present
position to the intersection of
the cursor lines. Use the arrow
keys to move the cursor lines
to the desired location. To erase
the cursor lines, press the CLR
key. This also will erase the