
Note: If you don’t use the “cold start” feature, then you will have to change
all of the settings on this page to their correct values. In other words, you
can’t simply enter your present position and have the unit find the correct
values by itself.
Use a chart to determine your position if you don’t know it. The latitude/
longitude that you enter doesn’t
have to be extremely accurate.
Typically, if you enter a posi-
tion within one degree of your
present position, the LMS-350A
should quickly find your actual
latitude/longitude. To change
your present position, first move
the black box to the LATITUDE
box (if it isn't already there).
Next, press the key next to the
“CHANGE LAT” label. The
screen shownat right appears.
Next, simply enter your present
latitude using the numbered keys. Notice that the position entered is in
degrees, minutes, and hundredths of a minute. (Not seconds!) If you make
a mistake, press the left or right arrow keys to move to the number in the
latitude that needs changing. Press the key next to the "Latitude N S" label
to change the latitude from north to south, if necessary. After the latitude
has been entered, press the key next to the “Accept Lat” label.
The black box automatically moves to the longitude field after you enter
the latitude. Now enter the longitude using the numbered keys. Be certain
to enter a zero “0” as the first number in the longitude if it’s less than 100
degrees! After you’ve entered the last number, press the key next to the
"Longitude W E" label to change it from west to east, if necessary. When
everything in the longitude field is correct, press the key next to the “Accept
Lon” label.
To enter your present altitude, move the black box to the Altitude field
using the arrow keys. Now press the key next to the "Change Alt" label.
The LMS-350A needs to know your elevation above sea level. (Not your
height above the ground.) Again, an approximation is usually sufficient.
Use the numbered keys to enter your altitude data. Press the key next to
the "Altitude + -" label if your altitude is below sea level. For example,
suppose you’re in Death Valley and the spot you’re standing in is 35 feet