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Adjusting Backlight Setting
The PA600’s LCD backlight consumes a large amount of battery power, only use this
function if it is necessary.
If a backlight is required, set “automatically turn off the backlight” function.
Change the backlight settings through the following:
1. Tap Start → Settings → Control Panel.
2. Double-tap Backlight, and the Backlight
screen appears.
3. Do any of the following:
– Select Battery Power, tap the Dim Back-
light if device is not used for: check box
and select the amount of time from the
drop down menu before the backlight dims
while running in battery power mode.
– Select External Power, tap the Dim
Backlight if device is not used for:
check box and select the amount of time
from the drop down menu before the back-
light dims while running in external power
– Tap the Turn on Backlight when... check-
box to activate the backlight when the key-
pad is pressed or the screen is tapped.