How to confi gure dynamic DNS
1. Log in to the sunrise surf & talk box’s administrative interface (see Logging in and logging out, p. 25).
2. Select the DynDNS tab in the Tools menu.
3. Enter your data in the Domain Name, Login and Password fi elds.
4. Click the Save button.
5. To leave the administrative interface, close your browser.
Confi guring port forwarding.
You can specify a service that you wish to be forwarded from the Internet to a computer within your local area
Note: Port forwarding is possible only when the surf & talk box fi rewall is enabled.
How to confi gure port forwarding
1. Log in to the sunrise surf & talk box’s administrative interface (see Logging in and logging out, p. 25).
2. Select the Port Forwarding tab in the Security menu.
3. Click the Add Service button.
4. Enter your data into the fi elds.
5. Click the Save button.
6. To leave the administrative interface, close your browser.
Selecting a WLAN channel.
You can select a WLAN channel and thereby determine on which WLAN frequency the sunrise surf & talk box will
transmit and receive. Selecting a channel with a good transmission quality improves the connection speed be-
tween the sunrise surf & talk box and the PCs or laptops connected through the WLAN.
How to select a WLAN channel
1. Log in to the sunrise surf & talk box’s administrative interface (see Logging in and logging out, p.25).
2. Select the Channel Selection tab in the WLAN menu.
3. If you would like the sunrise surf & talk box to select the channel with the best transmission quality automatically,
click the Implement button.
The automatic channel selection function checks the quality of all available channels one by one; this process
lasts roughly twelve seconds. It may happen occasionally that the connection between the PC or laptop and the
sunrise surf & talk box is interrupted. If this should occur, simply reestablish the connection.
If you wish to specify the channel yourself, select the desired entry from the Channel Selection list.
4. Click the OK button.
sunrise surf & talk Pro settings