First steps.
Set up the sunrise surf & talk box at a suitable location, one that meets the following criteria:
• The site should be dry and free of dust, and must not be exposed to direct sunlight.
• If you want to connect the device with your computer via network cable, keep in mind that the maximum cable
length is 100 m, and situate the device near your computer.
• If you wish to establish a wireless WLAN connection from one or more computers to the sunrise surf & talk box,
set up the device in a central location in your offi ce or at home, in a spot with good mobile broadband coverage.
• Be sure to allow for suffi cient distance from any possible sources of interference or disturbance such as micro-
wave ovens or electronic devices with large metal cases.
• On the bottom of the sunrise surf & talk box there are recesses into which you can place the rubber feet (inclu-
ded). They will help protect your furniture from being scratched.
• To mount the sunrise surf & talk box to the wall, use the drilling diagram included for this purpose. You can fi nd
the diagram at the end of this manual.
Step 1 – Insert the SIM card for sunrise surf & talk.
The SIM card is inserted in the same way as with your mobile phone: the SIM compartment is on the underside of
the box, on the bottom of the device. Slide the sunrise SIM card into the compartment all the way, until it clicks into
place. Important: The sunrise surf & talk box will not work without a SIM card for sunrise surf & talk.
Note: If the sunrise surf & talk SIM card is inserted improperly or is defective, the following text will be display-
ed after Step 3 has been completed: “Error SIM card”. In such an event, disconnect the device from the power
supply and re-insert the sunrise surf & talk SIM card into the device, as shown in the diagram. If this still doesn’t
solve the problem, your sunrise surf & talk SIM card may be defective.
Step 2 – Set up the sunrise surf & talk box
If possible, place the sunrise surf & talk box close to a window, as the reception is best there.
Note: If the message “No network” appears on the display after you’ve completed Step 3, you should choose
another location to set up the device.
sunrise surf & talk First steps