Changing the SSID
The SSID (Service Set Identifi er) is the sunrise surf & talk box’s WLAN network identifi er. The SSID set by the
manufacturer is “sunrise surf & talk box”.
You should change the SSID in order to prevent confusion with other sunrise surf & talk boxes in your vicinity,
which may be using the same SSID. By changing the SSID you will avoid becoming connected inadvertently with a
neighboring sunrise surf & talk box.
How to change the SSID
1. Log in to the sunrise surf & talk box’s administrative interface (see Logging in and logging out, p.25).
2. Select the Connection tab in the WLAN menu.
3. Enter the desired identifi er in the SSID fi eld.
The SSID may contain no more than 32 characters. It may contain both letters and numbers. An SSID is case-
4. Make a note of the SSID and click the OK button.
The WLAN connection to the sunrise surf & talk box will be closed.
The new SSID is displayed in the list of available wireless network connections.
5. Reconnect your PC or laptop via the WLAN.
Disabling SSID transmission
By default the sunrise surf & talk box transmits the SSID. This makes it easier to locate the WLAN network on your
computer and to connect the two. Transmission of the SSID can be disabled, however, if you know the sunrise surf
& talk box SSID and do not want it to be visible to other users.
Note: Disable SSID transmission only after you have already successfully established a connection between the
sunrise surf & talk box and your computer. Disabling should be carried out only as the last step.
How to disable SSID transmission
1. Log in to the sunrise surf & talk box’s administrative interface (see Logging in and logging out, p.25).
2. Select the Connection tab in the WLAN menu.
3. Next to SSID transmission enable the Off option.
4. Click the OK button.
5. This may close the WLAN connection to the sunrise surf & talk box. If that is the case, enter the SSID known to
you in the SSID fi eld.
sunrise surf & talk Security settings in detail