Step 1 – Confi gure WLAN connection.
1. Start your PC/laptop.
2. Click on the START button in the taskbar of your PC and choose Settings > Network Connections.
The Network Connections dialogue is opened.
3. Right click on Wireless Network Connection and select Properties in the context menu.
The Wireless Network Connection Properties dialogue is opened.
4. Make sure that on the General tab the Internet protocol (TCP/IP) box is checked.
5. Highlight Internet protocol (TCP/IP) and click on the Properties button.
The Internet protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialogue is opened.
6. Check the Obtain an IP address automatically option fi eld on the General tab and click on the OK button.
7. In the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialogue, click on the OK button.
You will be asked, if necessary, to restart your computer.
Step 2 – Establish WLAN connection
1. Click on the START button of the taskbar of your computer and select Settings > Network Connections. Der
The Network Connections dialogue is opened.
2. Right-click on
Wireless Network Connection and select Display available wireless networks from the
context menu.
The Wireless Network Connection dialogue is opened.
3. Mark the «sunrise surf & talk box» wireless network and click on the Connect button.
It takes about ten seconds for the connection between your PC/laptop and the sunrise surf & talk box to be
sunrise surf & talk Setting up connections