
Step by Step
Enhanced phone functions
Using autodial delay
A number is automatically dialed after a set delay start-
ing from the entry of the number’s last digit. The auto-
dial delay can be used:
when dialing in idle mode
when deflecting an incoming call
when setting up a consultation call
when transferring an answered call.
The delay can be reduced by performing one of the fol-
lowing activities:
i Press the key shown. This always works.
^ Lift the handset. This only works if the phone num-
ber was entered when the phone was idle or if it
was entered for a consultation call when the hand-
set was off hook.
n Press the key shown. This only works if the phone
number was entered when the phone was idle and
the loudspeaker key was not lit or if the phone num-
ber was entered for a consultation call and the loud-
speaker key was not lit.
Settings for autodial delay
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If you select Autodial delay, you must either confirm
the "Dial" option, press the loudspeaker key or wait until
the autodial delay expires to set up a call when dialing
with the handset on hook.
If an emergency number is preset by your ser-
vice personnel, the autodial delay for this phone
number is reduced to one second.
The setting does not affect automatic emergency
number dialing.