Basic phone functions
Step by Step
Programming call forwarding
Configuring destination phone numbers for call for-
You can configure up to five destination phone numbers
for call forwarding. These destination phone numbers
can then be assigned different forwarding types. You
can then enable one of the forwarding types
(Æ page 47).
r Press the key shown.
The pop-up menu opens:
Select and confirm the option shown.
An overview of call forwarding settings appears.
Select and confirm the option shown.
Select and confirm the option shown in the context
Select and confirm the option shown.
j Enter and confirm the destination phone number.
Define additional destination phone numbers for desti-
nation 2 to 5, as necessary.
Select and confirm the option shown.
Assigning a destination phone number to a call for-
warding type
r Press the key shown.
The pop-up menu opens:
Select and confirm the option shown.
An overview of call forwarding settings appears.
Select and confirm the option shown for the call for-
warding condition you want.
Edit call forwarding
You can use each of the three Destination op-
tions to save destination phone numbers for the
relevant forwarding type.
Edit favourites
Destination 1
Save & Exit
Edit call forwarding