Use this feature when you want to block calls to your keyset.
• While on-hook, press the DND key or dial 4 0 1. The DND k e y
flashed to remind you of this mode.
• To cancel DND, press the DND key again or dial 4 0 0. The D N D
light turns off. You can make calls while in the DND mode.
N O T E S :1. If you place your keyset in DND mode and you do not
have a DND k e y, your A N S / R L S key will flash to indicate
DND status.
2. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must
first lift the handset or press SPK b e f o r e you begin dialing.
This feature re q u i res a DND k e y. If you are on a call and you do not
wish to be interrupted while on that call, you can press the DND k e y
and place your station in DND. When you hang up at the end of the
call, DND will be automatically canceled and your keyset will be able
to receive new calls.
You can mute the handset transmitter or the microphone during any
c o n s e r v a t i o n :
• Press MUTE k e y. It will liaght re d .
• To resume speaking, press the MUTE button again. The light turns off .
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