VI Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows Mobile 6.1) User Manual
Linear Transmission only (TLC-39)
linking Ikôn to PC 14
Lock Sequence 132
Low light
Predefined preset C-3
Low light near
Predefined preset C-4
Low power
Predefined preset C-3
Low Power Timeout D-3, D-21
L1, Set Length D-7
L2, Set Length D-7
Macro keys 43
deleting a macro 128
executing a macro 128
Macros menu, accessing 127
recording and saving 127
maintenance (of Ikôn) 52
Scancode 129
Unicode 128
Predefined preset C-3
Matrix 2 of 5 D-31
Maximum Size D-9
Max Number Barcodes D-37
Storage Card tab 164
pop-up 72
using 72
Scan Indicator 179
scanner warning message 179
Scan Result 179
Messaging 110
folders 110
Outlook e-mail, synchronizing 110
Micro PDF-417 D-19, D-35, D-42
microSD, inserting 51
Minimum Cancel Time D-3, D-20
Minimum Length D-22, D-24, D-27,
D-29, D-30, D-31, D-33
Minimum Size D-9
Bluetooth 202
modem setup 211
Baud Rate 209
Call Options 210
Cancel If Not Connected 210
Data Bits 209
Dial-String Commands 210
Parity 209
Port Settings 209
Server Settings 214
Stop Bits 209
TCP_IP Settings 214
Wait For Credit Card 210
Wait For Dial Tone 210
modifier keys 40
locking & unlocking 40
One Shot Mode 125
shift-state indicator icon 40, 74
Predefined preset C-4
MSI Plessey D-14, D-29
name, assigning to PDA 145
navigation bar 58
Battery hotkey 60
connectivity hotkey 59
Start button 58
volume control 60
navigation bar hotkeys 196
network, selecting 220
network card
settings, changing 218
setting up 216
New menu, customizing 69
creating 97
recording a message (audio) 100
renaming 100
synchronizing 101
text, converting handwriting into 98
Notes 97
Notification, setting 143
NOTIS Editing D-14
One Check Digit D-15
one dimensional internal scanner 276
One Shot Mode 125
One Shot tab (modifier keys) 125
onscreen (soft) keyboard 78