Appendix D: Bar Codes Settings
Code 93
Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows Mobile 6.1) User Manual D-27
Addendum Add-on 2 And Addendum Add-on 5
Enabling these parameters sets the length of the addendum bar code to either 2 or
5 characters.
Addendum Security
If you tap on “Addendum Security”, a dialog box is displayed in which you can define the
security level of add-on 2 or add-on 5 with a value from 0 to 100. As security levels in-
crease, the scanner decode speed decreases.
GTIN Compliant
GTIN (global trade item number) processing transmits EAN 128 as the 14-character
EAN/UCC GTIN. To use GTIN processing, you must activate the EAN 128 symbology.
Reading Range
This parameter determines the reading distance from which a bar code can be successfully
scanned. The default setting, Extended, allows for increased reading distance.
D.3.10 Code 93
Set this parameter to on to enable “Code 93”.
Minimum Length
Minimum lengths for the bar code can be set from 0 to 255. The length of a code refers to
the number of characters (i.e., human readable characters), including
check digit(s).
Length Restriction
Refer to “Length Restriction” on page D-8 for details.
Add/Remove Data
Refer to “Add/Remove Data” on page D-9 for details.
Important: When EAN 128 and GTIN processing are both activated, it is not possible to
read normal EAN 128 Codes.