PLANET VIP-101T CLI configuration
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a) -print
Parameter –print is used to display current SUPPORT values configurations.
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
This command has no default value.
b) –fstart
Parameter –fstart is used to enable or disable H.323 fast start mode. If you’d like to
enable H.323 fast start mode in VIP-101T, please make sure the destination call party
supports fast start mode as well.
Syntax Description
-fstart Enabled or disabled Fast start mode in VIP-101T, o to disable, 1 to enable this
0 H.323 fast start mode is disabled.
c) –tunnel
Parameter –tunnel is used to enable or disable H.245 tunneling function.
Syntax Description
-tunnel Enabled or disabled H.245 Tunneling, 0 for disable and 1 for enable .
0 H.245 tunnel mode is disabled.
d) -h245fs
Parameter –h245fs is used to setup if VIP-101T opens H.245 separate channel after
H.323 fast start mode. (support –h245fs 0/1 , 0 for open and 1 for not.)
Please make sure the destination call party supports this feature before applying this