PLANET VIP-101T CLI configuration
- 21 -
a) –print
Parameter –print is used to display H.323 stack information and configuration.
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
This command has no default value.
b) –mode
VIP-101T is capable of running in Peer-to-Peer or GateKeeper mode. Machine default
usr/config$ h323
H.323 stack information and configuration
h323 [-mode gkmode]
h323 [-gk ipaddress] [-algk ipaddress] [-gkdis used] [-e164 number] [-e164-x number]
[-alias h323id] [-tokenpwd password]
[-rtp port] [-ttl time] [-gkfind port] [-ras port]
[-range [start num1] [end num2]] [-respto t1] [-connto t2] [-dfgw IP]
h323 -print
-print Display H.323 stack information and configuration.
-mode Configure as Gatekeeper mode or Non-GateKeeper mode.
-gk Gatekeeper ip address. ( ~
-dfgw Default Gateway IP Address. ( ~
-algk Second Gatekeeper ip address. ( ~
-gkname Gatekeeper ID
-e164 IP side registered number.
-e164-x IP side registered number.(x:1~9)
-alias IP side registered H323 ID.
-tokenpwd RRQ/ARQ authentication token password.
-gkdis Gatekeeper auto discovery (multicast, On=1, Off=0).
-rtp RTP port number (1024~65532).
-ttl RAS TTL time (0~3600 second).
-gkfind Gatekeeper finding port (1024~65535).
-ras Gatekeeper RAS port (1024~65535).
-range Dynamically allocated port range (1024~65535).
-respto Max waiting time for 1st response to a new call (1~200).
-connto Max waiting time for call establishment after receiving 1st
response of a new call (1~20000).
Options -gk -e164 -alias -gkdis -ttl -gkfind -ras are ignored when
RAS mode is configured as Non-GK mode.
h323 -gk -e164 101 -alias vip-100t
h323 -mode 1