Tungsten™ E2 Handheld 43
CHAPTER 4 Managing Your Calendar
Beyond the basics
Go to the User Guide on the web and learn about these related topics:
Calendar • Creating repeating events for things you do at regular intervals, such as
taking a class at the gym three days a week or taking a biweekly music
• Setting a time zone for an individual appointment different from the time
zone of the location you set for your handheld
• Reserving blocks of time for long events like vacations or conferences
• Choosing the default Calendar view format and the information that
appears in each view by setting display options
• Customizing alarm settings and choosing what time days start and end by
setting preferences
• Storing extra information about an event by adding a note
• Erasing old appointments by purging them
Categories Organizing events by type and color-coding them
Privacy Keeping events private by turning on security options
Sharing • Beaming events to other Palm Powered™ devices
• Sending events to other Bluetooth
devices by using Bluetooth wireless
technology on your handheld
Email Sending events as attachments to email messages
User Guide
For everything you need to
know about your handheld—
all that’s in this guide, and
much more—go to
If you’re having problems
with Calendar or with
anything else on your
handheld, go to