Tungsten™ E2 Handheld 148
services 87
Set Date dialog box 117
Set Time dialog box 40, 117
setting alarms 42, 67, 70, 78
setting up wireless connections 79
See also preferences
menus 22
synchronizing 27
files 80
information 34, 71
photos 29
sharing information 3, 24, 114
Short Message Service. See SMS applica-
short messages 93
Silent profile 123
sketching 75
slide shows 50, 54
Small bold icon 120
Small font icon 120
SMS application
additional information for 96
benefits of 93
installing 5
messages 94
messaging 5
opening 94, 95
sending text messages 94
SMTP servers
soft resets 129
installing 7
troubleshooting 131
Solitaire 9
deleting 65
expansion card 111
formats 55
lists 60
playing 64
song files See music files; sound files
song lists 65
Sort by pick list 77
information 37, 74, 78
notes 77
sound files. See audio files; music files
sounds 123
Sounds & Alerts screen 123
speaker 4, 123
special characters 17, 19
specifications 134
See also Excel files
creating and viewing 45
Excel 100
on handheld 5
static electricity 23, 136–137
stopping MP3 player 64
stopping slide shows 50
storage 110,
stylus 3, 23
Subject fields 105
subject lines (email) 105
Subjects Only option 104
supported file types 49, 56
symbols 17, 19, 33
Synchronize Only Account check box 102,
backing up information 7, 26, 111
email 102
handheld 126, 127, 128
information 20, 25–28
messages 102, 104, 109
problems 131
software 27
wirelessly 31, 80, 88
with Microsoft Outlook 102
system information 27
System Sound pick list 123
tapping 122, 129
Task Preferences settings 70
adding contact information to 35
adding notes to 70
assigning due dates to 67
attaching to email 70
categorizing 68
combining with appointments 38
completing 69
creating 67
defining recurring 70
displaying 68, 70
managing 66
organizing 68
prioritizing 67
saving 67
setting alarms for 67, 70
sharing 70
Tasks application