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This Service Developer's Guide for the Nokia 9110i Communicator provides information and practical
examples for developers who want to develop WAP services for Nokia 9110i. 9110i Communicator is an
advanced communications device with a feature-rich WAP services application. The document will
highlight the possibilities, limitations and requirements of service development and provides a good
introduction to the Nokia style of designing user interfaces.
The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) will enhance the functionality of mobile handsets through
real-time interactive services. The protocol has been designed specially for small screens and low
bandwidth, and it offers a wide variety of wireless services over the Internet using handsets. However,
in 9110i especially the WAP services screen size differ a lot from common handsets and should be
taken into account when designing services that are both fast and easy to use, and offer the user
maximum enjoyability. In addition to 9110i-specific issues, many of the instructions in this document
can be used to maximize interoperability and ease of use on various other browsers.
This guide is not written for service developers only, but essentially for anyone involved in creating the
wireless information society and who needs to know more about service creation on small mobile
terminals. It can be used in conjunction with the Nokia WAP Toolkit.
The Toolkit offers developers an environment for creating, testing and demonstrating WAP applications.
This allows service providers to evaluate the usability of wireless applications and services together
with their end-user organization.
We at Nokia are very proud of our user interfaces and we have spent a lot of effort in constantly
improving them. In this guide we have collected a lot of what we have learned to help developers
improve their services. We believe that good usability will increase use and satisfaction and
subsequently revenues for service providers.
This guide is not intended to be a detailed WAP document and it is not meant to replace any WAP
1.1 References
User's guide for the Nokia 9110
The Nokia WAP Toolkit can be downloaded from http://www.forum.nokia.com/
Wireless Application Specifications http://www.wapforum.org/
Information about Nokia products can be obtained from http://www.nokia.com/
1.2 Contact information
Developer support can be obtained through Forum Nokia web-page http://www.forum.nokia.com/