11 (26)
WAP Browser main view opens when selecting WAP services from Internet application. The homepage
URL is displayed on the bottom line of the view, if the URL exceeds the end of line, the remaining part
of the name is not showed to the user.
View includes buttons:
Button 1: Home
Button 2: Bookmarks
Button 3: Settings
Button 4: Hang up / Close
Home button fetches information from the homepage (address can be seen at the bottom of the main
view). Homepage is related to the used access point. Access point and homepage can be set at Settings.
In case there are no access point defined, the Home – button is dimmed. Home-button is also dimmed
if no Home page has been defined in selected access point settings.
Bookmarks –button opens the Bookmarks view. Settings button opens the Settings view. Close – button
(offline) closes the Main view and returns to the Internet application main view. If the data call is
active the WAP services application main view contains button "Hang up". When "Hang up" – button is
pressed, the flashing note: ”Disconnecting from the network…” is shown. Flashing note is removed,
after the data call is dropped.
Nokia Mobile Phones are renowned for their simple to use and intuitive user interface. In order to
create a service that will be perceived as usable and easy to understand, Nokia Mobile Phones provides
some general guidelines to help service providers develop their applications.
4.1 Validate Your WML
There are several XML validators available that validate your documents against WML Document Type
Definition. It is recommended that authors validate their WAP pages, because invalid WML is always
treated as an error and discarded (ie. not shown to the user!).
Several XML validators can be found at http://www.wapdevelopers.org/xml.tpl?CALLER=index.tpl.
4.2 Site Organization
4.2.1 Avoid ‘doormat’ pages
The user is accessing your WAP site over a GSM data call, and pays per second. It is not recommended
to start your site using a ‘doormat’ page, which has no functionality other than perhaps to greet the
visitor and to display a logo. It is better to go to your service directly. If there's a need to use timer it
shouldn't be timed longer than ~1,5 sec, otherwise add a link 'continue' to give the user possibility to
exit the card.
4.2.2 Automatically Detect the Browser
If you are using a modern web site hosting environment, it is possible to detect the browser as well as
the language mode and supply correct content transparently, without user interaction. 9110i
Communicator display is larger and has more possibilities than usually phone displays that is worth to
take advantage of.