Nextel Online Wireless Internet Services
Entering Internet Addresses
To access a commercial (.com) Internet site from the Go to Site screen,
you need not type in the full Web site address. The microbrowser
defaults to “.com” Web address categories, so all you need to type is the
name of the organization. The microbrowser will automatically add the
“http://www.” prefix and the “.com” suffix for commercial sites. If you
would like to access other Web site categories such as education (.edu),
government (.gov), or networks (.net), you must type the entire Web
address, including the www. and the applicable extension (i.e., .gov,
.org, or .net). (Before typing on your phone, you may want to review
Using T9 Text Input on “Using T9® Text Input” on page 72.) Examples
are as follows:
Commercial site Government site
To visit www.espn.com, type: to visit www.irs.gov, type:
NOTE: Search is not part of the basic Nextel Online pricing package.
Go to Site:
NextelUG_i700.fm Page 83 Friday, June 16, 2000 3:15 PM