MicroNet Technology SP5101 IP Phone User Manual

Users could press the button to select the action in the view mode.
If there is no any entry for the phone book, LCD will show the massage as
Dial Out
Press on specific phone book entry, phone will be off-hook and dial out
Modify Entry
Here user can modify name and number of existed phone book data.
Delete Entry
Press to see detail name and number of this phone book entry.
3.2.3 Search Entry
This mode could support the numbers or characters typing. If the entered
name couldn’t be matched with the existed records, on LCD will show the first
entry of this phone book.
3.2.4 Memory Check
Phone set could support about 90 entries for the phone book; it will show the
records for the unused and used entries.
No Records!!
Delete ok…
Delete it?
Input Name