KVH Industries F77 IP Phone User Manual

Operation Menu System – All Users
TX Frequency: Transmitting frequency in MHz
Freq. offset: Frequency offset between 0-1500 Hz.
Acc. offset: Acc offset between 0-1500 Hz.
AGC: AGC between 0-1024.
Gain: Gain between 0-256.
TX level: TX level equals LOW or OK.
Lo1-Lo3: Lox In or Out of lock.
Temperature: Temperature in deg. C.
Power mode: Power mode in sleep or normal.
Ocean Region: AORW, AORE, POR or IOR.
NSR state: Not initialized, initializing or initialized.
Type: Mini-M or NG
Bulletin page 1-6: Page 1 to 255 or Invalid.
Spot beam ID: Spot beam ID number between 1-255.
SU CC Rxed: Between 0000-9999.
SU CC Txed: Between 0000-9999.
The antenna information is divided into two parts: F
nd Unit and Antenna Control Unit and is primarily
intended for service use.
FEU: Unit type:
Serial no.:
SW version:
Cable loss:
Reset count:
If cable loss is 100%, it means that the cable loss
compensation is at its maximum, and may therefore not be
able to compensate fully for the cable loss. A cable with a
lower RF loss should be used.
44 May 2005