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OPX Disconnect Enhancement
In previous software versions, some sites had difficul-
ties when using a loop start T1 line configured for OPX
to connect two Inter-Tel systems and performing
“semi-networking” applications such as intercom ac-
cess, lighting message lamps, and shared voice mail.
The reason for the difficulty is that the T1 OPX does
not send a disconnect signal to the loop start trunk,
which caused trunks to be “locked up.”
The solution was to add a new flag in the 4.3 software
version. The station flag, for single-line stations only, is
called “Send T1 OPX Disconnect Flash.” It sends a pro-
prietary disconnect signal from the T1 OPX to the loop
start trunk. (The “A” bit is toggled high for the duration
of the SL Disconnect Flash Duration timer.) At default,
this flag is disabled.
The “Send T1 OPX Disconnect Flash” flag appears in
the Station Miscellaneous Flags screen and the Individ-
ual Station/Miscellaneous Flags screen below the
“Outside Party Call Information Has Priority” flag. By
default the flag is disabled.
To use this new station flag, you must have a T1 Card
equipped with the proper firmware. The part numbers
for the chips are 827.8664 (U4) and 827.8665 (U5). To
remind you, a warning will be displayed in Database
Programming whenever the flag is changed. The warn-
ing states that the flag will have no effect unless the
correct T1 firmware is installed on the card. If your T1
Card does not have the proper firmware, there is an up-
grade kit available (part number 828.1423).
NOTE: This flag does not affect T1 channels config-
ured for Loop Start. Therefore, an Inter-Tel system can
be on the receiving end with T1 Loop Start channels
and will recognize the disconnect. However, it cannot
send the disconnect — only an AXXESS with 4.3 soft-
ware and T1 OPX can send the disconnect.
Advanced CO Interfaces Premium
Database Programming will not allow the system to
equip a T1/PRI Card unless the Premium Feature for
“Advanced CO Interfaces” is enabled.
When a database is updated and the update program de-
tects that a T1/PRI card is equipped without the “Ad-
vanced CO Interfaces” premium feature enabled, it will
display an error message that says, “You have B-chan-
nels disabled. To activate the B-channels, turn on the
Advanced CO Interfaces Premium Feature.”
Trunk Group PRI Call By Call Feature
AXXESS trunk groups now provide limited access to
PRI Call By Call services. Each trunk group that con-
tains B channels can be assigned a PRI Call By Call
feature to use for outgoing calls. The supported Call By
Call features include switched digital circuit services,
foreign exchange, TIE services, local exchange, OUT-
WATS, inter-exchange carrier services, and custom
AT&T and Nortel private networks, features, and ser-
vices. If the customer wishes to use more than one PRI
Call By Call feature, there can be multiple trunk
groups, each programmed to use a different feature.
The customer then can select the Call By Call feature
by selecting the trunk group associated with the feature.
When the trunk group has a programmed Call By Call
feature, all channels within the specified trunk group
will indicate the PRI Call By Call feature code in the
outgoing ISDN message. Each outgoing ISDN call
sends a SETUP message on the Primary Rate D channel
that containsthe B channel (voice channel) assignment,
called digits information, and the network-specific fa-
cility. The PRI Call By Call feature is specified within
the network-specific facility, ISDN information ele-
ment which contains the Call By Call feature code.
To properly program the PRI Call By Call feature, the
installer must analyze the customer’s ISDN outgoing
call traffic and configure the amount of B channels
needed to support a particular Call By Call feature or
service. In the service order, the installer must request
the Call By Call service for the PRI span or a subset of
The installer selects the Call By Call feature during
trunk group programming, as shown on the next page,
by selecting the desired feature from the PRI Call By
Call drop down box.
After the trunk group hasbeen created and assigned to a
Call By Call feature, the appropriate ISDN B channels
are programmed into the trunk group.
The station user dials ARS or a PRI trunk group exten-
sion. The AXXESS system selects the trunk group’s
programmed Call By Call feature. The AXXESS sys-
tem automatically inserts the Call By Call feature into
the ISDN call control message and transmits the mes-
sage to the public network. The Public Network accepts
or rejects the requested Call By Call feature in the
ISDN message.