PRI – GSM Multi-Cell Gateway
Check your package Items
Please verify your package contains the following components (some were ordered specific) before installation:
Main Hardware Device - The
Multi-Cell PRI Gateway
110/220V Power supply cable
Software Installation CD
- Installation kit of the PRI Management MS-Windows Application,
this User Manual file and additional auxiliary utilities.
4 or 8 GSM Antennas
- Small/Large sized, based on your specific order
RJ-11 Phone handset
- for testing voice calls from different ports
RJ-45 - RS-232 Serial connection cable
well be referred as
Comport cable
in this manual
4 additional cables as follows
RJ-45 ISDN E1 cross connect cable
For direct ISDN E1 connection without intermediate PBX
RJ-45 ISDN E1 regular connection cable
For ISDN E1 connection to a PBX
RJ-45 Ethernet cross connect cable
For direct IP connection to a PC 1st time
RJ-45 Ethernet regular connection cable
For IP connection to a PC via IP routing and switching equipmenet
Note: The ground cable is not supplied as it is very common, low cost and various types apply.