
Companion Programs 5-17
Drawings. When you add a drawing, a drawing icon appears in the bottom-left corner
of the page, and drawing tools appear across the bottom of the page. Draw by dragging
your stylus.
NOTE: To see a list of a book’s annotations, including bookmarks, highlights, text notes, and
drawings, tap Annotations Index on the book’s cover page. You can tap an entry in the
list to go to the annotated page.
Removing a Book
When you’ve finished reading a book, you may want to delete it to conserve space on your
iPAQ H3000. If a copy of the book is stored on your computer, you can download it again
at any time. To remove a book from your iPAQ H3000, tap and hold the title in the Library
list then tap Delete on the pop-up menu.
Pocket Streets*
* Available for English operating systems only.
The Pocket Streets feature, included in Microsoft Expedia Streets and Trips 2000,
AutoRoute Express Great Britain 2000, and Microsoft MapPoint 2000, delivers thou-
sands of miles of street map information to your iPAQ H3000. You can create custom
maps of unfamiliar cities, towns, and villages.
Installing Pocket Streets
Pocket Streets is included in the Extras folder on the ActiveSync CD. To install Pocket
Streets on your device, go to the PStreets folder in the Extras folder on the ActiveSync CD
and follow the instructions in the Read Me file.
Getting Maps on Your iPAQ H3000
Sample maps are included in the PStreets folder in the Extras folder on the ActiveSync
CD. Use ActiveSync Explore to copy the files from your computer to your iPAQ H3000.
For more information on copying files using ActiveSync, see ActiveSync Help.