2-22 Basic Skills
Find Information
The Find feature on your iPAQ H3000 helps you quickly locate information. On the
menu, tap Find. Enter the text you want to find, select a data type, then tap Go to start the
NOTE: To quickly find information that is taking up storage space on your iPAQ H3000, select
Larger than 64 KB in Type.
Customize Your iPAQ H3000
You can customize your iPAQ H3000 by adjusting iPAQ H3000 settings and installing
additional software.
Adjusting Settings
You can adjust iPAQ H3000 settings to suit the way you work. To see available options,
tap , Settings, then the Personal, System, or Connections tab located at the bottom of
the screen. You can also view settings by pressing the QMenu button, then tapping Set-
You might want to adjust the following:
Item Description
Align Screen Adjust the touch screen if it is not responding accurately.
Asset Viewer Access detailed information about your iPAQ H3000 as well as
your owner information.
Backlight Set the time before the backlight turns off when the iPAQ is
Auto Run Allow specialized programs stored on a CompactFlash card to
begin running automatically as soon as the card is inserted.
Buttons Associate program buttons with specific programs and adjust
the up/down control of your iPAQ Navigator.
Clock Change the time or set alarms.
Input Customize the input method and set word completion settings.
Memory Adjust the allocation of storage and program memory.
Customize what appears on the menu and enable a pop-up
menu from the New button.