Advanced Reflexes Alcatel User Guide - 13 -
Call Parking
Call parking allows you to disconnect from an external call and
be reconnected later, either at your own extension or at
another extension.
During the call:
The call will automatically be placed on hold.
To retrieve a parked call:
7 + extension where call is parked
If the call is not retrieved within a set time (normally two
minutes) it will revert to the switchboard.
Note: If you are parking the call on the extension you are
using there is no need to dial an extension number.
Call Pick Up
To pick up a call that is ringing on another extension within
your defined group:
To pick up a call that is ringing on another extension that is
NOT in your defined group:
4 + extension number that is ringing
Forwarding Calls
If you will be absent from your extension you may redirect
callers to another extension.