Open Architecture Interfaces
OLE / COM Interface
Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08 77
Set Info Field Set information field on a call.
Format: SetCallInfoField (CID, FieldName, FieldValue, CallStatus)
CID = Net Phone’s Call ID for the desired call (i.e. this could
have been provided to the app using an event from Net
Phone with %I variable). Or leave blank (“ ”) if you want to
use CallStatus or Net Phone’s most likely call.
FieldName = Name of field to be Set -- “CallerID”,
“CallerIDNum”, “Account” are ‘standard’ fields, but any
‘extra-info’ field can also be set.
FieldValue = The Info string that should be attached.
CallStatus = Only used if CID blank, Find first call matching
these types "T"alking, "R"inging, "H"olding, "C"learing. If no
calls match this request, a NULL string is set.
SetCallInfoField (“” , “Notes”, “Testing”,“T”) = Set the Notes
field to “Testing” on the call in which I am “T”alkingl.
OutLook Lookup Lookup phone number in Microsoft Outlook.
Outlook_LookUp (CID, SearchType, SearchFor, NoMatch,
ExactMatch, MultiMatch)
CID = Net Phone’s Call ID for the desired call (i.e. this could
have been provided to the app using an event from Net
Phone with %I variable). Or leave blank (“ ”)
SearchType = “P” for phone number
SearchFor = Phone number string
NoMatch = What to do if no matches found
ExactMatch = What to do if Exact (single) match is found
MultiMatch = What to do if multiple matches are found
Example: Outlook_LookUp ("", "P", “4804969040”, "U", "C", "U")
System Command Perform a PBX/System command.
Format: PerformSystemCommand (CommandStr)
CommandStr = Command and parameters to perform. See
Net Phone User Guide’s User-Defined Actions for details of
commands available.