Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08 13
1. The initial screen will advise you to shut down all Windows programs to ensure
that all modules can be installed. Click Next.
2. Please read the License Agreement and click the I Agree button if you agree with
the licensing provision and want to continue with the installation process.
3. It is highly recommended that the default destination directory be used as the
installation directory. If desired, you can browse to a different location for
installing the software. Click Next.
4. Select the Windows Program Group for placing the start icons. Again, leaving as
default (TOSHIBA) is recommended. Click Next.
5. The Select Startup Settings screen is used to pre-configure Net Phone to meet your
individual needs. Select the radio button, if given the choice, to indicate whether
you are going to login to the Net Phone with an Agent ID, login by Extension or if
you plan to use the Net Phone for a Standard Desktop Phone. Also, enter a
checkmark next to Soft Phone Audio to enable the VoIP Audio capabilities
(requires a separate license). Click Next
Note This step is bypassed or has fewer options on some installations.
6. Select the options to be included with Net Phone. These options will appear on the
Options Buttons along the bottom of Net Phone. A check in OAISYS Replay
enables Step 7 for setting the Record Button options. Click Next.
7. If the Option Button OAISYS Replay were selected, then the Select Record
Options offers the ability to Show Record Button, to manually Stop and Start the
OAISYS Tracer recording, and the ability to enter Bookmarks on the active call.
Click Next.
8. The installation process offers a wizard for the integration settings for a number of
popular applications to be used with Net Phone. Make a selection from the list. If
your application is not listed select “None” and contact Technical Support for an
application note, if one exists, that note will provide instructions for making your
application work. Click Next.
9. This step pauses to ensure you have made that all the parameters settings needed
prior to prior to proceeding with the actual installation and making final settings.
Click Next.
10.Finally, once all files and settings are completed, this screen will inform you of the
completion. It is recommended that Net Phone be added to the Startup Group.
Click Finish. Typically, you will be asked to restart your PC for all the settings to
take place.