
10. In the User Password field, enter the password for the SFTP server.
11. In the Transfer Protocol list, select SFTP.
12. Click Next.
13. In the Options/Upgrades list, select the digitally-signed BlackBerry MVS COP file.
14. Click Next.
15. Verify the MD5 hash value for the digitally-signed BlackBerry MVS COP file against the Cisco website.
16. Click Next.
17. When the BlackBerry MVS COP file installation is finished, restart all Cisco Unified Communications Manager
nodes in the cluster, starting with the Publisher server.
Upgrade existing BlackBerry MVS users to use a new COP
You do not have to perform this procedure if you are installing the BlackBerry Mobile Voice System for the first
1. Log in to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration webpage.
2. Navigate to Bulk Administration > Phones > Export Phones > All Details.
3. In the Select the Device Type field, select BlackBerry MVS Client.
4. In the File Name field type a name for the file.
5. Click the Run Immediately option.
6. Click Submit.
7. After the export completes, navigate to Bulk Administration > Upload/Download files and download the file.
8. Save the file with a .csv file name extension.
9. Navigate to Bulk Administration > Phones > Phone Template.
10. Create a template for the new BlackBerry MVS Client with Voice over Wi-Fi device type.
11. In the new template, complete the following fields:
Template Name
Device Pool
Phone Button Template
Device Security Profile
SIP Profile
Required DTMF Reception
12. Click Save.
13. Click Add a new DN.
14. In the Line 1 area, complete the following fields:
Line Template Name
Release Notes
Upgrade existing BlackBerry MVS users to use a new COP file