Blackberry version 5.2 IP Phone User Manual

Item Description
DT3844679 In this scenario in the user's class of service, the Device can use the no data coverage
number to make calls when the network is experiencing congestion option was enabled
and the Restrict calls to use only the BlackBerry MVS Line option was disabled.
When the user pressed Join Now to join a conference call and the device fell back to use
the no data coverage number, the device connected to the conference call but it did not
dial the access code.
DT3673783 When calls were being routed through a SIP gateway, if a user A called user B and user A
transferred the call to an external user, after user A pressed "Complete transfer" the
transfer did not complete and there was no audio. User A could not cancel the transfer.
Also. when calls were being routed through a SIP gateway, if user A was in a call with user
B and user A moved the call to a one-time number that was an external number, user A's
device displayed Moving Call, and the call connected but there was no audio.
DT3585703 In this scenario:
the user's Default line for outgoing calls option was set to Last selected
the user's When my MVS line is unavailable, use my Mobile line option was set to
Always or Ask me
the user had just made a BlackBerry MVS call
the user moved into an area with no data coverage
When a user made an outbound call, if the user's When my MVS line is unavailable, use
my Mobile line option was set to Always, the call was made using the mobile line. If the
user's When my MVS line is unavailable, use my Mobile line option was set to Ask me,
the user was prompted to make the call using the mobile line.
DT2987150 In this scenario the user was on a BlackBerry MVS system that was configured for No Data
If a user made a call to an international number and the user included a plus sign (+) in front
of the number, when the BlackBerry MVS Client sent the number to the BlackBerry MVS
Server the BlackBerry MVS Client did not send the plus sign because a plus sign does not
have an equivalent DTMF tone. When the BlackBerry MVS Server sent the call request to
the PBX, the PBX returned a 404 Not Found error because it could not find a route pattern
for the call.
DT1400847 If a user was using a smartphone that used BlackBerry 6 or BlackBerry 7, the Hold and Add
participant options might not have been available on the smartphones.
Release Notes
BlackBerry MVS Client