6 Getting started with BCM
The following is a list of acronyms used in this guide.
Symbols and conventions used in this guide
These symbols are used to highlight critical information for the BCM50 system:
Table 1 List of acronyms
Acronym Description
BCM Business Communications Manager
BRI Basic Rate Interface
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DN Directory Number
IP Internet Protocol
ISDN Integrated Switched Digital Network
NOC Network Operations Center
ONN Outgoing Name and Number
PRI Primary Rate Interface
SM Silent Manager
Caution: Alerts you to conditions where you can damage the equipment.
Danger: Alerts you to conditions where you can get an electrical shock.
Warning: Alerts you to conditions where you can cause the system to fail or work
Note: A Note alerts you to important information.
Tip: Alerts you to additional information that can help you perform a task.