BCM50 Telset Administration Guide
Administration telset interfaces
You can use Business Element Manager or you can use the Telset interface to administer your
BCM50 system. The telset configuration is a tool that is used for system configuration if there is
no network connection to your BCM50, or for quick configuration changes, such as changing
features in a DN record or updating one of the speed dial lists. Administration telset interfaces are
accessible only by a user with an Installer level of telset user privileges. These menus are used at
initial startup or to make changes to security-sensitive system settings.
• “Initial setup telset menus” on page 11
• “Using FEATURE 9*8 for initial configuration” on page 12
Initial setup telset menus
The initial telset menus are used during the initial configuration of your system. The user requires
Installer (Administrator) level of password to use these menus. The following three features must
be done within 15 minutes of power up:
Figure 1 Menus for profiles and dialpad function for startup programming
(**PROFILE) should only be run at the initial set up if the Startup profile did
not properly set the country profile on your system and the
Element Manager is not accessible to perform this task.
(**DIALPAD) allows you to change how the system receives Q and Z in
the telset interface.
(**STARTUP) should only be run at the initial set up if the Startup profile did
not set the telephony profile to the correct setting and the
Element Manager is not accessible to perform this task. Note
that using this interface returns your system to the default