displays the following commands: Mark for Download, Mark as
Unread, Move to…, Language, Select All, Copy and Edit My Text….
Figure 20. Edit Email Menu
Here is a short description of each command:
Delete: Deletes your email, just like on your desktop mail reader. The
mail is deleted from the mail server.
Reply: Replies to the sender. Sent mails are stored to your sent items
folder just as if you would have replied on your desktop.
Back: Moves to the previous email in the Inbox.
Next: Moves to the next email in the Inbox.
Mark for Download: Opens a dialog box which shows the size of the
attachments and prompts the user to proceed with download or not. If
you choose to download, all the attachments are downloaded.
Mark as Unread: Marks the email as unread. The change is reflected on
your desktop email application.
Move to…: Moves the email to a different folder on the server. The email
will not be available for reading on the mobile device after moving.
Language: The language option is for use with different character sets. If
you experience problems with e.g. Cyrillic or Japanese character, try
changing the character set with this option. Functionality depends on
which character sets are installed on your device.
Select All: Selects all the text in the email for e.g. copying etc.
Copy: Copies the selection to clipboard.
Edit My Text: Allows you to edit your standard message texts.
If you click and hold a message in the inbox, a menu with the commands
New, Delete, Move, Reply, Reply All, Forward, Mark as Unread
available is shown.
22 PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.