LG Electronics LKD-8DS Telephone User Manual

3.6.4 User subscription/desubscription
A. System ID
System ID is given to the GDK-20W system attached the wireless GAP terminal for identification. System
ID, which is PARK(Potable Access Rights Key), is written on MBU.
Authentication Code is entered at only attendant station, before you begin to subscribe wireless terminal
(GAP) to GDK-20W system. You should get AC code PARK from a system manager. In addition to the
above, you should get station number of the wireless terminal to be subscribed from a system manager.
In case of confirming system ID
1) At attendant station
[Trans/Pgm] + ## + Flex. Button 4
If you press the [Trans/Pgm] button, [Trans/Pgm] LED will flash(60 IPM Flash) and [On/Off] LED
will be turned on.. Then you can enter then user program mode.
Dial ‘##’’
Press Flexible Button 4
Current PARK code will be displayed in LCD
In case of changing system ID
1) At attendant station
[Trans/Pgm] + ## + Flex. Button 6 + System ID(PARK) + [Hold/Save]
CAUTION: Normally you should not change the system ID. If you should change it, please contact LG
or local dealer in your country.
If you press the [Trans/Pgm] button, [Trans/Pgm] LED will flash(60 IPM Flash) and [On/Off] LED
will be turned on. Then you can enter then user program mode.
Dial ‘##’
Press Flexible Button 6
Enter the system ID(PARK code)
After entering the PARK code, press [Hold/Save] button. Then you can hear confirm tone.
The key sequence of the PARK : LLP__________PC
LL : Two digits decimal representation of PARK length (Bit count)
P______P : 11 octal digits representation of PARK
C : Check digit (It is calculated as the sum of each digit in the input stream multiplied by its
position in the input stream , modulo 11; if the result if 10, this is represented by the “*”.)
PARK: 31100013411604