PRI – GSM Multi-Cell Gateway
Set the time passed since SIM begun to be Active
Click the Time table tab. The timetable settings will appear:
In the Time Table tab, define hours, and days, that the SIM is active. Days can be divided in
up to four intervals.
Select an interval.
2. Enter the hours of the interval.
3. Select days that this interval will be activated. Select days of deactivation in the row
Don not use timetables.
Define type of Channel Lock
To define the type of channel lock, click the BCCH Lock tab
Define a channel lock:
To lock the SIM to the channel with the strongest signal, Select Auto BCCH Lock. This is
not recommended. If many SIMs are at this setting, the strongest channel may become
To permanently assign the SIM to a channel, select BCCH Lock, and enter a channel
number between 1 - 124, or 512 - 885 (inclusive).
To rotate the channel, select BCCH Random, and set the following parameters:
Select the minimum reception for a channel lock in the RSSI box.
At Timer, select a time limit that the SIM is locked to a channel. Select between 1
250 minutes.
To enable the GSM network to control channel locks, enter the identification
number of the GSM network at Operator ID.
After SIM settings are completed, press
Write SIM Settings
to send the settings to the Multi-Cell
gateway configuration settings.