PV Applications and File Transfer
File Transfer Manager is software that makes it easy to install and uninstall PV
Applications, to delete PV Applications data, to update your operating system,
and to transfer data between your PV Unit and a personal computer.
• The following shows the maximum number of items you can have stored in
your PV Unit at one time.
PV Applications
A “PV Application” is a program you can download from the CASIO Website
(http://world.casio.com/download/pv/) or from other Websites to your computer,
and then install on your PV Unit. You can delete PV Applications when you no
longer need them.
• The CD-ROM that comes bundled with your PV Unit contains the PV
Applications listed below. You can install these PV Applications as required
by you.
• Travel Phrase Guide
• Bonus Add-in Software for PV
• For information on how to use a particular PV Application, see the manual
that comes with it.
Obtaining PV Applications
PV Applications can be downloaded from the CASIO Website (http://
world.casio.com/download/pv/) or from other Websites on the Internet.
Type of Data Item Maximum Number Allowed
PV Applications Programs 64
PV Applications Data Files 64